I hope you enjoy reading this blog. The contents are the property of Becca and Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog. It is intended for the private use of it's readers. I DO NOT give permission, written or implied, to anyone to use anything pertained in this site, in part or in whole for any reason. I also DO NOT have conversations in person or online with anyone for any reason about this blog, its subject or the sport of NASCAR.
Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Return of the Denny Hamlin Q & A

One of the most popular features of the blog last season was the weekly Q & A with Denny Hamlin I published every Monday. With the return of the new season, the best part of racing also returns to Becca's Denny Hamlin blog.

I am so excited to be able to talk to Denny about his races and what's happening with him. But I want to get his fans and faithful readers involved. So, if you have something you want to ask Denny Hamlin, let me know and I will forward it on to him and share his answer in the weekly post.

Send your questions to dennyhamlinblogger@gmail.com

There are some important guidelines for all questions.
  • Questions must be racing related, absolutely no personal questions.
  • If you want your name included with your question please indicate that with your question. Please no derogatory nicknames or references.
  • Please submit questions about the week's race no later than Noon on Monday following the race.
  • If you're curious about his likes, dislikes or favorite things please just be respectful when asking. We're all curious to know Denny better and as long as you're considerate of his privacy I will forward the questions to him.

I hope that you will ask lots of questions and be involved in the weekly conversation with Denny Hamlin. I promise that all questions will be asked and answered as quickly as possible.

I want to extend a sincere Thank you to all of my faithful readers and I look forward to a great 2009 season. If you have any suggestions, anything you'd like to see on the blog, or any features you'd like to have included please submit your ideas to my email address. I will take them into consideration and if I use your idea I will give you credit.

All my best,

Your Denny Hamlin Blogger ~ Becca


Anonymous said...

I look forward to it. I hope I can think of something to ask. Good luck in the upcoming season,Denny.

Anonymous said...

This sounds really good. I don't give out email, thus I can't email any questions. However, it will be nice to hear the answers to other questions.