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Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Can Smell The Rubber Now

In my first conversation with NASCAR superstar Denny Hamlin since Miami -Homestead, I asked him about his off-season, his hopes and dreams for the 2009 season, being the team leader, his amazing teammates and just some things I personally wanted to know. Here is our conversation.

Becca: What are the highlights of your off-season?
Denny: Me and some friends went to the Orange Bowl game at the beginning of January. We also went to Aspen a few weeks ago. That was a lot of fun.

Becca: What are your thoughts on the format change for the Budweiser Shootout? Are you excited for the selection show and the shootout? Do you think you can win it?
Denny: The team and I have high expectations for the Shootout. We feel that we have a good chance of at least getting a top 5 finish. I for one like the format change for the Shootout.

Becca: You are now the oldest member of your team. What are your thoughts on being the leader and mentor to such talented teammates?
Denny: It is a great honor to be the team leader. To have Kyle and Joey come to me for advice is great. We feel that the 2009 season is going to be successful.

Becca: How ready are you to be back in that car? Are you prepared for the new season?
Denny: The team and I are ready and prepared for the 2009 season. We feel that we will be successful this year.

Becca: What are your goals and expectations for yourself and the Fed Ex team for 2009?
Denny: A few of our goals would be to get good finishes, maybe even a few wins and to also win the championship.

Becca: Where do you see the JGR trio come Homestead Miami? Points wise and win wise what are your predictions for the 3 of you in 2009?
Denny: I feel that we all will be in the top 12 in points. That is our hope anyway. The team and I feel that we will have a great finish at the end of the season. We feel that we will at least be in the top 5 in points.

Becca: What are your thoughts on the testing ban? How is it effecting you and your team?
Denny: The testing ban hurts our team because it doesn't give us time to get our car the way we want it. When we were able to test on the off time it was a help to us so that we could adjust the car and get it ready for Daytona.

Becca: If you were to predict your first win of the 2009 season what race would you pick?
Denny: Hopefully Richmond

Becca: Your boss, Coach Joe, raced Norm Miller in Hampton the other night and while impersonating Rowdy Busch flipped Norm. What are your thoughts on Coach's debut? Would let him get away with putting a fender under you or would you race him hard? HA HA
Denny: I would definitely race him hard. He wouldn't get off easy just because he is my boss. I would race him the way I race everyone else.

Becca: Tuesday night you have an event with John Cena and Tiger Woods among other sports greats. Tell me a little about that.
Denny: We will go head-to-head with other sports superstars on Xbox live in the UFC Arena in Orlando. We will pretty much test each others skills at the sport.

Becca: What would you like to say to your fans going into the 2009 season?
Denny: Thank you for your on going support. I can't begin to thank you enough for your dedication. I hope to make you all proud this season!

Thank you Denny for your time and your candidness. I'm so excited for the 2009 race season to get underway and to get back to our weekly conversations. I look so forward to doing our post-victory interviews and I hope that you win so many races that I can barely keep up with them all. All my best for this season to you and your team! Until next time.....

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