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Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It will be clear who's side I'm on in a minute

Last night I watched the Nationwide race at Lowe's and the most exciting part was the brawl at the end of the race. Today I've read email after email in my inbox that blames Denny for being the aggressor and the one who's wrong.

Of course, because Keselowski's car is owned by Dale Earnhardt Jr., D Ham is now public enemy #1. Well, Denny's crew didn't rush Brad's car..it was the other way around. Don't send an army (or the NAVY) to defend you because you're a punk ass who can't fight his own battles. The picture at left clearly shows which car they're in front of.

Brad said that Denny gets mad when people race him too hard. It's not a matter of racing too hard...it's a matter of racing dirty. Not clearing someone in a turn is dirty to me. Hitting someone from behind during a caution is dirty to me. If you can get around the car in front of you because you're faster....then do it. If you can't back off until you can so you don't wipe out both of you. Keselowski is writing checks that his ass can't cash. Denny did hit Brad back on the caution lap but why was Brad up next to him in the first place? He had no business being there at all and if he'd stayed in 3rd place where he belonged that never would have happened.

It all boils down to JGR versus Junior Nation and the Ky Bu Junior battle from a few weeks ago. JGR is winning EVERYTHING and Junior hasn't won ANYTHING in over 2 years. That makes Junior Nation mad. Well Jr Nation makes me sick to my stomach. Brad Keselowski was WRONG and that's the bottom line! It's the first time that he's not had a DNF and he goes crazy and it comes back to slap him in the face. Like Denny should have done to Tony Eury Sr. when he got in his grill. People blame Denny for that but the crews from both Brad and Dale Jr's teams went rushing over to the 20 crew to start trouble. Shows the lack of class at Jr Motorsports if you ask me.

D Ham has the right to say how he feels and I agree with him 1000%.

I'm a proud Denny Hamlin fan...bottom line. It's not whining, it's telling it like it is. Don't like what you hear turn off the TV. I do! I am not a Jr fan and childish incidents like what happened last night, which was low class and uncalled for, I never will be. There is a lot of animosity because Hendrick Motorsports and JR Motorsports aren't winning and JGR is. I happen to be a fan of the winning side of this battle and have a different opinion than most. Oh well... I'm on my driver's side whether he's right or wrong. I just don't think Denny's wrong. He has the right to want to be raced a certain way and truth be told EVERY driver feels that way. I've heard Jr. pissed off after a race for things other guys have done to him.

But the kicker for me is the hit from behind under caution. That is WRONG! Yes, Denny hit Brad under caution and that does not make me happy. But the retaliation would not have happened without the initial action by the # 88. As an owner Dale Jr needs to jump his drivers case for that.

Say what you will....NASCAR asked for more emotion and the post-race scuffles are awesome to see. It's good for the sport and the guys to express their feelings and work things out. As long as punches aren't thrown words don't hurt. I don't like seeing Denny in fights but I will put my money on him ANY day. He was ready to rumble and I think the winner would have been D Ham by a KO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said! I agree with you 100%