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Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Denny Hamlin Wants You To Sit in His Seats

In this tough economy, Denny Hamlin is thinking of the fans first. He wants to help out those who have been hit hardest by the downward spiral of our nation by giving away atleast 4 tickets to every race in the 2009 NASCAR Sprint Cup season. And he's giving away even more tickets for Richmond.

But it's not that easy, you have to earn those seats. Wondering how? Well it's simple. Just go to www.dennyhamlin.com and tell Denny your story. Tell him why you should be the worthy recipient of his seats at the next race.

The first day after Hamlin announced his campaign, the website had received over 100,000 hits. And it's not just for Denny Hamlin fans. He doesn't care if you sport Dale Jr gear, if you're covered head to toe in Budweiser to support Kasey Kahne or if you're discovering your inner M decked out in the Candy Man's delicious gear.

Have fun with it, tell Denny your story and hey if you happen to be the lucky recipient of his tickets, let us know about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Denny's doing this. All the drivers say the economy is bad ad racefans can't come and all that, but how many are actually DOING something about it? Denny is taking the time, effort, and money to help out some lucky and deserving racefans. Without fans, there's no NASCAR.