I hope you enjoy reading this blog. The contents are the property of Becca and Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog. It is intended for the private use of it's readers. I DO NOT give permission, written or implied, to anyone to use anything pertained in this site, in part or in whole for any reason. I also DO NOT have conversations in person or online with anyone for any reason about this blog, its subject or the sport of NASCAR.
Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Aww...Becca in Kindergarten
I hijacked Becca's blog to be able to wish my friend a Happy 34th Birthday! She hates the fact that she's turning a year older but that's just one more year we get to spend with her. You had to know I'd embarrass you so enjoy it. I love you! GOTCHA!! Paybacks suck huh girl? HA HA

**You know who**

Becca's 2nd Birthday and her 5th Birthday...ain't she cute?


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Becca. I hope that you get everything you wish for. Take care.

Denny Hamlin

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday,Becca!!!! Have a great day. God bless you.

Jen said...

34 years young, huh? Enjoy the day, birthday girl! Don't forget to make a wish when you blow out your candles, but hurry before someone calls the fire dept. (J/K - I'm only a couple of years younger).

Unknown said...

Well...looky there! It's ME in all my glory as a little girl...back when birthdays were still fun and I got toys instead of firemen to stand by and make sure all those candles didn't get out of control. HA HA

SOMEBODY *You Know Who* is in SERIOUS trouble...but I love ya for caring enough to wish me a Happy Birthday!!

Thank you to everyone who gave me birthday wishes...wow! Denny Hamlin told me Happy Birthday. What did I do to get so lucky?

~The Birthday Girl~

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Becca! I hope you have a good night.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Becca. Hope you had a great day. Love Colleen