Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and a chance to give thanks for the blessings you have been given that maybe you didn't realize you couldn't make it without. For me, the holidays are a very difficult time. After the loss of my Mom five years ago, nothing seems the same and I struggle just to make it through the day. But while there is a giant void in my heart, there are so many things that I get down on my knees and thank God for.
The first of which is that I get to wake up every day in a free country, no matter how crazy it seems right now and how scary our economy is, the fact remains that I have it better than most people across the world and for that I am truly thankful. Then I'm thankful for my family. They aren't always the people I want them to be but they are always there for me when I need them the most. I couldn't make it through a single day without my Dad and I thank God that he and my Mom adopted me as a tiny baby and have made me feel loved and wanted even when I was unlovable.
I'm thankful for my friends. Drea, Debbie, Racey, Colleen, Lyndsey, Shawn, Dave, Austin, Kyle, Reed, Joey and of course Denny Hamlin. They make my life complete and pick me up when I fall. They dry my tears when I don't think they will ever stop and they take me exactly as I am. There is no judgment just unconditional love and acceptance. We fight, we push each other away when we need each other the most and we take our hurts and frustrations out on each other because deep down we know that there will be love and forgiveness when we finally figure out what's really going on that hurt us in the first place.
Somehow God saw fit to put people in my life that know exactly how I feel, who see my heart even when I try to hide it and who think I'm amazing simply because of who I am. And what they don't know is I couldn't make it through a single second without any of them. They are my soft place to land and my heart and I would be lost without them. No matter what happens in our lives, we will always be there for each other. Even when one of us has to walk away because life is too hard, I'm grounded in the fact that our love is strong enough to endure and nothing will ever change how we feel about each other.
So to my friends that are struggling right now, I'm right here and when you're ready I'll be exactly what you need and you don't even have to say a word because I already know. Isn't it ironic that we think we're fooling our friends when we're really just fooling ourselves? That's what I love about my group of friends.... they give me room to run but never let me get too far. And I do the same for them. I truly am the luckiest girl in the world to have such amazing friends!
This NASCAR season has given me a lot to be thankful for as well. The greatest being that Denny Hamlin came away from his horrific crash at Talladega just a little banged up. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for protecting him when he hit that wall. The safety built in to the COT car saved Denny's life and I am so glad that someone was wise enough to come up with the technology they've put into that car. I'm thankful for the safer barrier and for the safety crews that responded when Denny needed help. It was a miracle and I will never forget to thank God for surrounding D Ham with angels to keep him safe.
I think of the Grandfather clock that is in Denny's house that he won at Martinsville. I know how special that win on his hometown soil was to him and I am so proud of him for getting to see his dream come true. That win is one that Denny won't soon forget and for that I am thankful.
Denny won Gatorade Duel Race No. 2 at Daytona in February, a very fitting start to his season and that helped propel him to the success that he saw throughout the season. His Cup series victory at Martinsville, his NNS victories at Richmond, Dover, Daytona and Kansas were all major accomplishments that he should be proud of. He has had some amazing finishes this season and it is because of his hard work and determination that he was able to see such success.
In just a few short days, the Sprint Cup boys will take the stage at the Waldorf Astoria for the Championship banquet. Denny Hamlin will stand on that stage, clad in his tuxedo looking handsome as ever, with his amazing smile that lights up any room and give thanks to his family for their support, his crew for their hard work, to his owners for believing in him and his fans for cheering for him even when he felt he let them down and I simply can't wait to see him. I am so proud to call myself a Denny Hamlin fan and to support the greatest driver in the NASCAR garage. He is so much more than a race car driver and I am thankful for his amazing talent and his personality that endears me to him.
I think of the people that we have lost in the past year, not only in NASCAR but in some of our personal lives. Brienne Davis comes to mind and I am reminded of how short life really is and that each day is a precious gift that I take for granted all too often. It seems that tragedy strikes so frequently anymore and loved ones are taken before we're ready to let them go. So I am thankful for priceless memories of times we laughed, silly things we did and just how much they truly meant to me. I will carry them forever in my heart and know that they're looking down on me and cheering me on while I continue this race. I struggle not to complain or ask why because my heart has been broken but instead I live with the knowledge that I will see them again and until then I need to make them proud.
Just a few months ago, I started this blog never expecting a single person to even look at it, let alone the driver I write it about. Now I have had over three thousand visitors and I call Denny Hamlin my friend. He stops by as often as he can and he leaves comments whenever possible. Because of this blog I was able to surprise him for his birthday, I was able to show him how much he means to his teammates and friends and to his fans. And every word written on this blog is my way of letting him know how much he means to me.
So as I sit here stuffed with the delicious food I slaved over a hot stove for hours to prepare, sleepy from the turkey and a bit sentimental with reflection, I think of all my blessings. On that list is every reader who takes the time to read my words, leave comments and who support me as I write about my hero and friend Denny Hamlin.
I think of Denny Hamlin and what he means to me and struggle to fathom how this blogger ever got lucky enough to be able to talk to him in the first place. It's funny how things happen when you least expect them and you can't think of how it was before you got that blessing. I'm ready to go take a long nap and let my dinner digest but I just wanted to take a few moments to let every single person who lays eyes on this post know that I am thankful to have you visit this blog.
I truly am blessed and I need to live my life like I remember that. I hope that you all have the greatest Thanksgiving ever and that you have taken the time to reflect on what you're thankful for. The thought just came to me that 2008 is history and all the DNFs that Denny wanted to forget are just a distant memory. 2009 is just around the corner and it's a clean slate with no mistakes in it yet. Daytona is the beginning of a brand new season that may just be the Fed Ex Toyota driver's greatest yet. No one can determine that but Denny. Gets me to thinking that I'm so glad to be the fan watching from my comfy recliner and Denny's the man who has to drive the race car. He's spectacular at it and for that.... I am truly thankful!
Those were nice thoughts,Becca. That's what makes blogs like yours so wonderful,being able to speak with your heart,with your heart an open book to all who read it. I hope that you,Becca,along with Denny and all who read this blog have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Usually I say God bless you but from you write,I know God already has blessed you. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Hi Becca, you wrote another beautiful blog, as usual. I'm thankful that I found this site and became your friend. We have alot in common, especially being huge Denny fans. I can't wait until next February when the boys are back on the track. Take care Becca and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Your friend,
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