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Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Monday, October 13, 2008

We're NOT in Kansas Anymore!

First of all, I would like to extend my sincerest Thank Yous to all the fans who sent Denny a Get Well Message this week. It means a lot to me, and to him, to know that you all read the posts and care enough to take the time out to leave comments. Denny has read your well wishes and if you'd like to see what he had to say, please check it out.

Denny reassured me that while he is still a little sore, he is healthy and ready to race at Martinsville. He was extremely upbeat and light-hearted during our weekly conversation, which was a good sign to me that he's back to being the D Ham we all adore. I talked to him about going back home to Virginia to race at Martinsville, his car at Charlotte and just some things I wanted to know.

Here is an excerpt from our chat before I get in to the interview:

Hello Becca,

Thank you for all of your devoted support. It means the world to me to know you care that much about me. I am honestly doing fine. I'm still sore but I'm healthy and ready to race at Martinsville. It means a lot to me to know that you care so much about my health so thank you. I hope you have a great week. Take care.
Denny Hamlin

Becca: What happened with the car at Charlotte? You said that you were being dragged down the front stretch...what was going on?
Denny: Well the car was horrible all together. It wasn't turning right and it just felt like we were being dragged. I am actually surprised that we finished as good as we did.

Becca: You won at Martinsville in the spring, what are your feelings on a repeat?
Denny: We would love to get another win at Martinsville. We are 12th in points right now and we would like to gain a few positions and the only way we can do that is to get some wins. As you know we are good at Martinsville and with it being my home track it would mean everything to me to get another win there.

Becca: After a tough couple of weeks, what would a win at Martinsville mean to you?
Denny: It would mean everything to me. With the couple of weeks we had we are hungry for another win.

Becca: Are you maintaining your focus and goals for the Chase or are you adding a second set of goals for Martinsville?
Denny: We are just looking at winning at the moment. If we get a few wins under our belt then we can focus on the chase.

Becca: It's always pretty special to go home, but after Dega do you have a little more emotion going where you have so many fans and friends?
Denny: Every time I go home there is always more emotion. I put my heart and soul into winning at home and when I don't win there I feel like its a let down not only for me but for my team, fans and family.

Becca: Do you still follow the Redskins? Who is your favorite NFL Player?
Denny: Yes, I still follow the Redskins. I don't really have a favorite player.

Becca: Have you ever met Troy Aikman? Do you ever talk to him? He is my all time favorite NFL player so I was just curious.

Denny: No I have never met Troy Aikman although it would definitely be a pleasure.

His Nationwide series victory in Kansas is a distant memory, he is recovering from that mortifying crash at Talladega and we have resolved that I will not worry so much about him. He's made of steel, or so he's trying to convince me. This week he is back home in Virginia and ready to get down to the business of proving that he is Championship material just like Jeff Burton, Jimmie Johnson and Greg Biffle.

Never count Denny out at Martinsville. The adrenaline of the screaming fans, being surrounded by family and friends that support him with the utmost loyalty and the familiarity of home are sure to give Denny the boost of confidence he needs to get to Victory Lane again.

As the season winds down, I reflect on the roller coaster that has been Denny's 2008 Sprint Cup journey. I have ridden along for the highest highs, the lowest lows, the near misses and the scary parts. I must admit there have been tears shed, lots of screams, cheering and disappointments. But I wouldn't trade a single second of it. I love the thrill of the Chase, the pageantry of Daytona and the champagne showers in Victory Lane. And when D Ham walks away with his head hung down, he isn't alone because my head hangs right along with his.

That's what being a fan is. This sport is both challenging and thrilling and an all out war at times. You can't hold on to the past, you have to let it go. You're only as good as your last race and you can't change what was and ponder on what might of been any more. There is no looking back, you must keep looking straight ahead. Keep your eyes on the prize and remember that you love this racing thing and the fans make it all worth it. Well D Ham, I sure hope I do. We've got work to do so let's roll. Let's head to Martinsville Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore!


Jen said...


I've been through the highs and lows right with you. When Denny wins I jump around screaming in my living room. When he runs good, I feel his joy. When he runs not so good, I feel his disappointment. I cried watching him drive his car to the garage at Michigan. You are right, these are the things that define real fans.
Good Luck at Martinsville Denny. I know you, Mike and the whole Fedex crew can win it!

Unknown said...

You're so right Jen. Denny has no idea how much his fans care about him or how we feel his emotions. He isn't alone and he could never let us down! As a true fan, I am proud of him no matter how he finishes. He could finish 43rd for 36 straight weeks and I would STILL think he was a Champion.