I hope you enjoy reading this blog. The contents are the property of Becca and Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog. It is intended for the private use of it's readers. I DO NOT give permission, written or implied, to anyone to use anything pertained in this site, in part or in whole for any reason. I also DO NOT have conversations in person or online with anyone for any reason about this blog, its subject or the sport of NASCAR.
Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Monday, October 6, 2008

Update on Denny Hamlin After Dega Crash

Hello Fans,

As you are probably already aware, Denny Hamlin spent the night in a Birmingham, AL hospital following his hard crash into the wall from a cut tire. He was held overnight for observation for a possible concussion and a sore right foot. I heard from Denny today and I wanted to share that with you so you could hear from him about his condition.

Hello Becca,
Thank you so much for caring about me. I am doing fine. I am still a little sore. I stayed over night in the hospital so they can observe me and make sure I didn't have a concussion. They released me this morning. My foot hurts a bit but other than that I'm am fine. Thanks again for caring. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great week. Take care.
Denny Hamlin

I was able to have another conversation with him later in which he told me that the doctor had put him on pain meds and he was a bit out of it so we'll have our usual weekly talk when he's feeling better. I am so thankful that he's alright and that I was able to talk to him to find out how he is doing and let him know how concerned I am.

If you'd like to leave a get-well wish for Denny, please leave it in the comments for this post. I will ask Denny to stop by and look at them. Please keep our Denny in your prayers and cheer him on at Charlotte.

Your Denny Hamlin blogger,

Denny Hamlin cleared to drive at Lowe's Motorspeedway
Denny Hamlin will be back behind the wheel of the #11 FedEx Camry this weekend in Charlotte after his heavy-impact crash last weekend at Talladega. Following his release from University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) hospital on Monday morning, Hamlin met with NASCAR's consulting physician, Dr. Jerry Petty, this week in North Carolina and was cleared to race in the Sprint Cup race this weekend in Charlotte.

Hamlin on Talladega: "It was definitely the hardest hit I have ever taken in a race car. It was good to get home, get some rest and take it easy this week. I am feeling better everyday and look forward to getting back in the car this weekend. I need to thank everyone at Talladega and at UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Hospital, and also Dr. Petty and the NASCAR medical team for taking care of me. I really appreciate all they did for me and for putting my health above everything else.

Thanks to all of the fans for their concern and, of course, thanks to everyone at JGR and #11 team who build really safe cars and that showed last weekend. This sport has made big gains in terms of safety – everything from the cars to the walls and those are big steps in the right direction."

Denny Hamlin will skip Friday night's Nationwide Series race at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Hamlin had been scheduled to drive in Friday's Dollar General 300 in Braun Racing's #10 Toyota. The car will now by driven by Dave Blaney, who gave Braun Racing its first win in the series in this race in 2006


Anonymous said...

get well soon denny, that was a really hard hit. hope your back out on the track soon

Anonymous said...

Thank God you're OK,Denny. Looking forward to Charlotte but the most important thing is that you get well. I hope your recovery is immediate. God bless.

Jen said...


Glad to know you are okay after such a hard impact. Take it easy this week so you'll be ready for victory lane at Charlotte.


Donna said...

I think all of Clt heard me scream when Denny's tire blew. We've been praying for him. Much love!

Anonymous said...

Hey Denny, I hope you're feeling better. Every race fan was concerned about you. I read all the messages boards and they were all praying and wishing you well. I am relieved to hear you are feeling fine. Thank God for the new car and the hans device. Good luck this weekend at Lowe's. I'll be watching as usual. By the way, I love when Mike Ford addresses all the Fedex employees before the green flag. I love it. Take care Denny. Colleen

Unknown said...

Hey D Ham,

I am so glad to know that you're okay after that hard hit into the wall. You know you scared me to death so let's not do that again okay bud? ha ha

Thanks for letting me know how you are so I could share it with all your fans.

Take care of yourself and know that I am still praying for you. You're priceless to me D Ham!

And now you know how much your fans love and care about you. I hope this makes YOU smile. It's my privilege to return the favor.

God bless you extra special sweetheart,

Jenna said...


I'm so happy to hear you're doing okay. Thanks for letting Becca know everything was alright so she could pass it on to us. Good luck this weekend at Charlotte. I will be at the Martinsville race cheering you on in a couple weeks! Take care


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to know you're alright, that was a real scary crash. I'm glad that nothing was broken or anything, and hope you get better soon and be good for Lowes.

Take care and get well soon!!


Donna said...

Forgot earlier to Thank You Becca (and Denny) for the update after his hospital release...I was getting upset due to the lack of information I was able to find. With the info you posted, I was relieved - so Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Hey Den, several of my friends on MySpace have sent me messages about how you are doing since your accident in Dega and I want to share them with you. I am wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back in the #11.
Your Friend
Debbie Driggers

Here are the messages I received inquiring about you.

Tell Denny I am praying for him. Thanks, XO, Suzy

Denny Suzy lives in New Jersey

Ah Deb! thank you so very much, sometimes it's just hard to be humble, he is just awesome and if I could I'd send all the well wishes from VEGAS and the Nascar Fans that I know from there all Denny Fans and all have team jaclets, they sit in the same section every year, it looks really cool when they are all together, Hope he is feeling better soon, big huggs and smooches from us all.
Denny Deborah lives in Vegas

Glad to hear that all is well with Denny. Thank you for the update. Please send him my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
your friend always, Deb

Hope you enjoyed reading these.

Your friend
Debbie Driggers

October 7, 2008 10:24 PM

Glenn Smith said...

I witnessed your crash from the roof of the control tower -- I'm thankful to see that you're relatively unhurt after such a hard impact. Hope you feel much better very soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey man,

So glad to know that you're okay. That was one scary crash. Take care and get well soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Denny,

I've been praying for you and hope that you are feeling better soon. Man was that scary! Best of Luck at Lowe's. Know that your fans are thinking about you and wishin gyou the best.


Lyndsey said...

Glad to hear that your doing OK, definitely take some much needed time off this week and rest up! Were all cheering for you out there, good luck this weekend! ~ Lyndsey

Anonymous said...

Hey man,

Thanks for letting Becca, Piercyn and I know that you were okay on Monday. We were all very conerned about you. Thanks for everything the past couple of weeks. Talk to you soon. Good Luck at Lowe's!

Take care man,

Anonymous said...


It was so good to get your email and hear from you that you're okay. Take care. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Denny, Becca and I both were releived when we both received your email on Monday, that you are okay other than a hurt foot. That will heal in time. Glad you are mending. Take care and be safe
your friend
Debbie Driggers

x8bmarblesue said...

Hey Denny-

Glad to hear you are doing so much better! I pray that this will never happen again! Thanks for emailing everyone to let us know you were ok. Looking forward to watching the rest of the Chase! I have faith in you!


Unknown said...


I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by and leaving your comments for Denny. It means a lot to me that he sees how much we all care about him.

Keep praying for him and root him on Saturday night! Go D Ham! We are all so very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Denny
I'm sending you this message for a zoom,zoom,zoom, speedy recovery. I love Nascar and especially you. My son-in-law is an over the road driver for the Fed-Ex company, We were all concerned when you had your accident. But now that your feeling better, we'll see you on the track. May God keep you safe and protected, your adoring fan,
Debbie Shipton

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Denny is feeling better. Team has had zero racing luck all season it seems.

Anonymous said...

Hello Fans,
I am overwhelmed at how much you all care. I want to thank you all for being such awesome fans. I am doing fine, still sore but healthy. Thank you to everyone who cares. An extra thank you to Becca for letting everyone know that I am doing fine. I hope you all have a great week. Take care.

Denny Hamlin