I hope you enjoy reading this blog. The contents are the property of Becca and Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog. It is intended for the private use of it's readers. I DO NOT give permission, written or implied, to anyone to use anything pertained in this site, in part or in whole for any reason. I also DO NOT have conversations in person or online with anyone for any reason about this blog, its subject or the sport of NASCAR.
Becca ~ Becca's Denny Hamlin Blog

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Miss Me?

Hey Hamlin fans.... been missing your Denny Hamlin blogger? Well, she has certainly missed you. Things have been crazy and I have been super busy. While I still keep track of our favorite Fed Ex driver...I haven't been able to keep up with posts the way I want to.

Fear not, I will be back shortly and have all the updates you've missed.

Denny has a great new contest on his racing MySpace page that I can't wait to tell you about...so if you haven't sent him a fan request yet, be sure to get it in so that he will accept you on Monday.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me emails asking where I am and making sure I am okay. Emotionally I am drained and exhausted but physically I am doing great.

And with the finishes our Denny has had lately there is nothing to be complaining about.

Post soon... thanks again!

~~Your Denny Hamlin Blogger


Patrick said...

I was getting concerned on your whereabouts. Glad you are OK. Looking forward to more "Denny stuff",LOL.

Jen said...

Welcome back Becca! I too was getting worried about you. Glad to hear everything is okay.

Cheryl said...

Hi Becca. Glad to see you are still around. I was wondering what happened. I hope everything calms down for you and I get to read all of the great work that you put together.

Talk to you soon,

Cheryl (Your PA Friend)